We ♥ Grey's Anatomy.

This is where we talk, rant, complain, and discuss how we feel about the show and our favorite characters...


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Writer's Strike Over!

Yippee! The writer's strike is over and they are working away churning out some new fantastic shows on our favorite people at Seattle Grace.

I can hardly remember where we left off but am excited!

I've missed reading the writer's posts on their blogs after each show too.

Only a few more weeks....

Monday, February 12, 2007

My love continues...

I love Grey's Anatomy.

Oh wait...was that not already obvious by the title of this blog? I love Grey's Anatomy so much that I have seen every episode...every single episode...at least three times. Obsessed? Hmm...Maybe. I'd like to think that I'm just a faithful fan.

I usually TiVo the show and then watch it again immediately after watching it the first time. Usually the first time around I am more just watching it...the second time around I notice details and analyze the story. The occasional third time is when I am doing chores around the house and can half-watch the show.

I love how creative the show gets and how deep the characters are. I also...absolutely LOVE that the writer's have their own blog. It gives some insight into the show and the writers and what they were thinking at the time. I like how sometimes the stories come from the writer's actual lives or how they are actually tormented coming up with these stories. How I would love to sit in and be a fly on the wall on one of their work days. I mean...this is what blogs are made for. You get me?

So...I have been so wrapped up in...life, that I haven't updated this blog this season. However...I have been faithfully watching and usually have some discussion of the show with Nicole over chat the following day.

Some random thoughts about happenings with the show:
  • Proposals: OMG. That is exactly what Nicole texted me right after that episode aired. I responded with OMG. Really...what else is there to say?
  • George's Dad: I was in tears. The scene where the family unplugged his dad and sat with him hit very close to home for me.
  • Callie O'Malley? haha. Cute.
  • George and Callie married? Kind of weird. But also cute.
  • Christina and Burke: Hmmm...not sure what to think here. Christina seems to be struggling a lot with the relationship and her career. She shows so much love for Burke...in her Christina way but at the same time, I could see her giving it all up for her career. Maybe Burke will get transferred or something or leave...you know...that might fit in well with this whole behind-the-scenes-actor-drama with Isaiah and TR
  • Huge Ferry Disaster? At first I thought it was a little overly dramatized...but what do I know about ferries and accidents with them? The beginning of the first episode I couldn't get very into it, but I got sucked into the drama about halfway through.
  • Derek. McDreamy. I am loving his character more and more. I love how he is the stable stronghold of the relationship. How he is unwavering. I love that about him. So Dreamy.
  • Meredith. Did she drown? Did she hit her head? If she hit her head and is consequently drowning...shouldn't she be like...dead because in the time it took the little girl (who I think is her angel) to find someone to help...it would have been minutes. Scary.
  • I like how all of the characters are growing as people and their love and connection to each other is also growing. Love love love.

Friday, September 22, 2006

How to Save a Life -The Fray

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Getting into Grey's Anatomy

It's friday night and it's a weekend where we are actually in town and don't have plans. What does that mean for me? Time to catch up on my TiVo!

One of the shows recorded was, "Getting into Grey's Anatomy." It's a quick catchup on what has happened in the show so far. First it traces through each each of the characters and their relationships to each other. Then it goes into the places...the elevator, the bar, the hospital. Then it went into the couples....The cliffhangers...

The entire time I was reciting the lines. Then I realized I was talking to the T.V. as if it was a person.

Excited for this coming Thursday? NO! Not at all.

OMG....I can't wait!

P.S. Just got Season 2 on DVD. Now I can rewatch every show again....for the 4th or 5th time....

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thursday Night

So if you haven't heard already, Grey's Anatomy is moving to Thursday nights next season. I am not sure how I feel about this. Who would have originally thought that Sunday night would be such a perfect time slot? I loved my Sunday nights for doing chores around the house and sitting on the couch watching Grey's. Am I ready to adjust my love for Sunday nights to Thursday? I switched nights for 24 without problem. I will do anything to watch Grey's. I hope they replace the happy Sunday slot with something good!

Monday, May 15, 2006


So I know some people *cough* don't care much for Denny...but...


He is so dang charming...how could you not have a crush on this poor bed-ridden dying heart of a man? He is there lying in bed and yet is still so manly.

What he and Izzy have going is so darn cute. So wrong and crossing the line since she is his Dr....but so cute. I will admit...I was tearing up, okay just plain crying, when she started going a little nuts with him and convincing him that he should let her stop his heart to save him. She was so desperate and was just grasping at anything. And he loved her enough to say, okay. Wow.

I had my hand over my mouth and my knees pulled up to my chest repeating..."no...no...no...don't do it!" when she started going into her little crazy speech right before cutting the little tube.

And now...Burke...the one who was supposed to save him, is injured himself. No...Izzy...no.

Denny. Please don't die.

The suspense is killing me.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


omg omg omg

I can't breathe.

I am not going to be able to sleep tonight. The suspense is killing me.