Getting into Grey's Anatomy
It's friday night and it's a weekend where we are actually in town and don't have plans. What does that mean for me? Time to catch up on my TiVo!
One of the shows recorded was, "Getting into Grey's Anatomy." It's a quick catchup on what has happened in the show so far. First it traces through each each of the characters and their relationships to each other. Then it goes into the places...the elevator, the bar, the hospital. Then it went into the couples....The cliffhangers...
The entire time I was reciting the lines. Then I realized I was talking to the T.V. as if it was a person.
Excited for this coming Thursday? NO! Not at all.
OMG....I can't wait!
P.S. Just got Season 2 on DVD. Now I can rewatch every show again....for the 4th or 5th time....
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